Pay Item Creation

Pay items typically represent the owner required deliverables a contractor must submit pricing for. Within InEight Estimate, pay items are used to distribute the cost calculated in the Cost Breakdown Structure and all markup, fees or contingency calculated in the Price Breakdown Structure to a list of defined items. This allows the total estimate value to be distributed to a structure that is different then the CBS. Pay Items are predominantly used by Contractors to prepare a bid sheet. Owners may use pay items to identify funding sources or for various reporting needs.

Many Bid Forms are organized by grouping bid items for related scopes of work. Pay items within the Pay Item and Proposal screen can be grouped in a hierarchy by utilizing the Position Code column.

You can create pay items in the Pay Item & Proposal Register. Access this form by selecting the Setup tab > Pay Item & Proposal.

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description generated with very high confidence




Proposal and Item Recaps

Related to pricing during bid close-out. You can disregard them at this time.


Pay Item Number

Represents the bid item number from the client (if they give you one) or can be a number you specify. This field is alpha-numeric


Position Code

Controls the way pay items can be grouped, and provide you with an efficient way to sort.



You can enter a pay item description.


Pay Quantity and Forecast (T/O) Quantity

The Pay Quantity is the quantity provided by the client.

The Forecast (T/O) Quantity is your measured quantity for the item.

Overview – Pay Item & Proposal Register

Step by Step — Create a Pay Item

  1. Open your job and select Setup tab >Pay Item & Proposal from the InEight Estimate landing page.

    • The Pay Item & Proposal Register displays

  2. In the Pay Item Number column, in the first blank row, type a number value.

  3. Use the Tab key to move to the Description column and type a description.

  4. Leave the Pay Quantity at 1.00 and change the Unit of Measure to LS (Lump Sum).

    • The Forecast (T/O) Quantity will auto populate to match your pay quantity, but can be changed later

    • You can tab to the next row to create additional pay items if needed

      A screenshot of a social media post

Description generated with very high confidence

Pay Item Prices by Category

Owners are increasingly requiring more information from contractors as part of their bid submissions. Many times, this is a further breakdown of a bid price such as separating the price of an item based on its labor cost, material cost or man-hours. Select columns in the Pay Item & Proposal register enable users to summarize their pay item prices by up to 10 price categories.

In addition to seeing the price by category, these additional columns also give users better visibility into how the price is established, including columns for the total cost, total distribution, total markup and markup percent. These new columns make it easier to verify that the distribution of unassigned cost and markup are calculated as intended by the estimator.

Standard Proposal report

The Pay Item Standard Proposal report is located in Execution > Reports > Pay Item & Proposal > Standard Proposal, and is intended to be used as a bid form, and distributed to other clients, partners, and contractors. In the Details box below, you can determine which key fields you want included and shown on your standard proposal report.